Doug Gregg ‘62

Doug Gregg’s 33-year legal career for the San Diego District Attorney’s Office called on his integrity and honesty to resolve complex issues.
“There’s no short cutting personal integrity,” Doug explains. “People remember what you stood for, what values you represented. If you preserve your integrity, you can feel pride at the end of any day.”

At Chandler, Doug enjoyed contributing to the football, track and baseball teams with a tight group of friends. “It was a small school, and we knew everyone in all the classes. Many of my friends were from Pasadena, and then we went on to Webb together,” Doug recalls.

“I had great teachers – Mr. Shattuck for math, Mrs. Wells for English, Mrs. Boyle for American history, and Mr. Cochran for science and coaching. In fact, one winter, Mr. Cochran taught me how to downhill ski.”

Doug suspects that Mr. Shattuck’s shop class nudged him toward discovering a lifelong love of working with his hands. “He taught us to guide the tools, never to force them. To this day, I enjoy working in the garden, repairing irrigation, and piddle paddling with my guitar.”

Asking him about his loyal and quiet generosity to Chandler School strikes a deep chord with Doug. “I give purely as a way of saying thank you for what has been given to me,” he says. “I owe Tom and Katie Chandler so much, not only for their educational guidance but for their friendship with my parents and their personal role in my life.”