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Chandler's technology program embraces and supports teaching and learning by integrating computing into the core curriculum.

In grades K-2, students are introduced to computing gradually, building skills and interest at a developmentally appropriate pace. Students use Apple iPads from a shared cart for in-classroom technology lessons facilitated by the Technology department. Lessons frequently are integrated with curriculum already being taught in the classroom. Students learn research skills and project creation as well as the basics of online behavior.

In grades 3-5, students use technology in concrete and meaningful ways to build skills and accomplish the “real work” of academic computing. Students use Apple Macbook carts for in-classroom work in a variety of subjects. Classes have access to laptops for up to 50% of their in-class time per week and classroom teachers are supported in integrating technology. Students gain skills as they learn to use multiple software applications. They also learn concepts like fair use, copyright, net etiquette, and research skills.

The Middle School (grades 6-8) employs a 1:1 laptop program: families purchase Apple Macbooks upon entry into the Middle School and students use them each and every day in a variety of classes. As part of the Middle School curriculum, students learn about net etiquette, online safety, effective web browsing and research skills, media creation, organization, and collaboration. Students make use of school-sponsored online databases and software applications, and online collaborative tools as needed.



Many online tools and services require students and teachers to submit some personal information to establish accounts. This personal information generally consists of the student's first and last name and their school-provided email address.

Federal law, specifically the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), requires that children under 13 years of age must have verifiable parental consent to use online services that collect personal information. COPPA also permits a school to gather consent from parents on behalf of its students, thus eliminating the need for parents to provide consent and establish accounts individually with each of the service providers. Agreeing to our Responsible Use Policy (located in the Parent/Student Handbook) constitutes your consent for Chandler to provide personal identifying information for your child consisting of first name, last name, email address and username to the operators of web-based educational programs or services approved for student use by the school.